Our Service Offerings . . .
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common ailments we see in the office. Symptoms typically involve pain in the arch and heel. It is most commonly worse in the morning, or after many hours on your feet. It is normally related to foot structure issues, and can be made worse with increased activity and weight gain.
Treatment options are many and can vary as each case must be evaluated and tailored to the individual.
Please note: Doctors of Podiatric medicine are specialized and uniquely trained in all aspects of diagnosing and treating foot conditions. Foot mechanics and the human gait is complex and requires thorough examination to render accurate diagnosis and treatment of your painful foot conditions.
Please click on this link for more detailed information.
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Treatment options are many and can vary as each case must be evaluated and tailored to the individual.
Please note: Doctors of Podiatric medicine are specialized and uniquely trained in all aspects of diagnosing and treating foot conditions. Foot mechanics and the human gait is complex and requires thorough examination to render accurate diagnosis and treatment of your painful foot conditions.
Please click on this link for more detailed information.
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